How to add files to an existing summary
File Requirements
- Format: Files must be in PDF format.
- Content: Only medical records are eligible for summarization. Other documents like police reports, bills, or insurance claims can remain in the upload but will not be summarized.
Steps to Upload
- Log in: Access your account at
- Find the relevant summary under “Recent Summaries”. From here there are two ways to add records:
Click on the 3 dots and choose “Add records to summary”
Click into the relevant summary and click “Add records to summary”.
3. Drag and drop or import your files.
4. Pricing: The estimated price is based on the total number of pages uploaded.
5. Generate Summary: Click the Generate medical record summary button.
6. Payment: Enter your payment information, if not previously saved.
Access New Records
- Processing: while the new records are being processed, you’ll see an updated status on the home page, as well as when you click into the summary.
- Home page: your summary will have a status of “Processing - Newly added records” in the Recent Summaries side bar
- Summary viewer: you will see the following message: “Please note: Newly added medical records are still being processed and are not yet included in this summary."
- Email notification: once your new records have finished processing, you will receive an email notification.
- View new records
- Click into the relevant summary
- The default view shows all records
- To view only new or a particular set of records, use the “Source” filter to select the set of records you’d like to view. Learn more about filters here.
Note: if you uploaded records from the summary viewer screen, refresh the page to view the additional records.